Recent Buy: Fortum Oyj & Kesko Oyj

Minor maintenance purchases for Fortum and Kesko. Both have been dropping which was to be expected with Kesko. With Fortum I didn’t expect to see these levels as it seemed to be trading at a slight discount even before. Oh well, market knows better but I still decided to buy additional 50 shares of Fortum for 10,58 EUR per share and additional 30 shares of Kesko for 15,2 per share. Especially Kesko could be hit hard as winter truly is coming for Finnish economy. Companies are going under and change negotiations are starting to be a common thing also in sectors which not so long ago were complaining about difficulties in hiring people. Therefore I’ll nibble on Kesko with these small purchases during next three to six months. Might do the same with Fortum but that position is already a bit larger so might hold off a bit (absolute maximum being 1000 shares for now).